My passions in life.

My passions in life.
Redheads and Dungeons and Dragons. 'nuff said.

Monday 24 January 2011

Happy Wintereenmas!

Wintereenmas, for those of you that do not know, is a holiday for gamers, created by the comic-writer Tim Buckley. A week of playing games in appreciation of the gaming gods work, hurray!

So aside from playing xbox i took some time to look into what the rest of the internet thinks of ctrl+alt+del comic, not sure why, just thought it would be interesting. Anywho, it appears that critics hate everything that i love and love everything i hate. Ever.

When ever i look at reviews after reading/watching anything that i like, such as "kick-ass" "scott pilgrim vs. the world" "ctrl+alt+del" various other things and also my music taste, It is very difficult to sift through all of the reviews proclaiming that whatever they are reviewing is shit to find a positive review. So difficult, infact, for the comic that i gave up. I mean, seriously! Ok i have quite an alternative taste in things, but come on! I personally thought Kick-ass was one of the best films of last year, closely followed by scott pilgrim. But no. As they are different, the critics take the time to shit all over the films saying how they are crap or boring. Do they have a soul? Even the Graphic Novels behind them! Why the fuck would you get an old guy that won't rate anything that isn't in black and white or painted onto a wall in a cave to review a comic?

I've put it down to two things, either they put these reviews up to attract people who will like it in a kinda reverse psychology thing... doubtful.
OR they are corporate bullshitters that make people watch what they want them to watch or listen to what they want to listen. Slum Dog Millionaire, scored big time at the oscars. Fair enough, promote equality, raise awareness about poverty and get some of the locals in a village dance to some cool indian music, but the film just isnt good. The Hurt Locker, Avatar, which was a good film (cheesy but good), was set to demolish the oscars, but then this war film comes out... don't get me wrong its not a bad film, but it doesnt stand out amongst war films, and Avatar was better. And whose opinions go against the true results? The general public. Normal people, working and middle class. They are the target demographic, we know what we like, we don't need some fat guy with a lisp telling we "peasants" what to watch.

It is worse with books and comics i think though. I've seen negative criticism of the harry potter books.... well that person should wake up and accept that JK Rowling has written a book series that most of the western world has read because it is good. Comics are worse though, as a reviewer cannot criticise a comic without referring to another. For example, CTRL+ALT+DEL, in my opinion the whole series is great, the loose continuity and randomness works and makes me laugh, and you can see past the copy and paste feel of some strips and the awkward month of the "miscarriage". It is current and relevant to a large group of people, nerds, gamers and the like. But no, that isn't good enough for  some reviewers. It's too inconsistent and awkward and "rips off all other webcomic series'" Granted there are similarities, but i have looked into the other suggestions: Penny arcade, PVPonline... and i looked at them in hope of them being even more hilarious than CAD, but it wasnt to be, they are less contemporary and less funny in my own opinion.

I feel i am all out of ranting for this evening, tune in in a few days for a rant about music and pop-culture *shudder*


stay metal \m/

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