My passions in life.

My passions in life.
Redheads and Dungeons and Dragons. 'nuff said.

Monday 24 January 2011

Happy Wintereenmas!

Wintereenmas, for those of you that do not know, is a holiday for gamers, created by the comic-writer Tim Buckley. A week of playing games in appreciation of the gaming gods work, hurray!

So aside from playing xbox i took some time to look into what the rest of the internet thinks of ctrl+alt+del comic, not sure why, just thought it would be interesting. Anywho, it appears that critics hate everything that i love and love everything i hate. Ever.

When ever i look at reviews after reading/watching anything that i like, such as "kick-ass" "scott pilgrim vs. the world" "ctrl+alt+del" various other things and also my music taste, It is very difficult to sift through all of the reviews proclaiming that whatever they are reviewing is shit to find a positive review. So difficult, infact, for the comic that i gave up. I mean, seriously! Ok i have quite an alternative taste in things, but come on! I personally thought Kick-ass was one of the best films of last year, closely followed by scott pilgrim. But no. As they are different, the critics take the time to shit all over the films saying how they are crap or boring. Do they have a soul? Even the Graphic Novels behind them! Why the fuck would you get an old guy that won't rate anything that isn't in black and white or painted onto a wall in a cave to review a comic?

I've put it down to two things, either they put these reviews up to attract people who will like it in a kinda reverse psychology thing... doubtful.
OR they are corporate bullshitters that make people watch what they want them to watch or listen to what they want to listen. Slum Dog Millionaire, scored big time at the oscars. Fair enough, promote equality, raise awareness about poverty and get some of the locals in a village dance to some cool indian music, but the film just isnt good. The Hurt Locker, Avatar, which was a good film (cheesy but good), was set to demolish the oscars, but then this war film comes out... don't get me wrong its not a bad film, but it doesnt stand out amongst war films, and Avatar was better. And whose opinions go against the true results? The general public. Normal people, working and middle class. They are the target demographic, we know what we like, we don't need some fat guy with a lisp telling we "peasants" what to watch.

It is worse with books and comics i think though. I've seen negative criticism of the harry potter books.... well that person should wake up and accept that JK Rowling has written a book series that most of the western world has read because it is good. Comics are worse though, as a reviewer cannot criticise a comic without referring to another. For example, CTRL+ALT+DEL, in my opinion the whole series is great, the loose continuity and randomness works and makes me laugh, and you can see past the copy and paste feel of some strips and the awkward month of the "miscarriage". It is current and relevant to a large group of people, nerds, gamers and the like. But no, that isn't good enough for  some reviewers. It's too inconsistent and awkward and "rips off all other webcomic series'" Granted there are similarities, but i have looked into the other suggestions: Penny arcade, PVPonline... and i looked at them in hope of them being even more hilarious than CAD, but it wasnt to be, they are less contemporary and less funny in my own opinion.

I feel i am all out of ranting for this evening, tune in in a few days for a rant about music and pop-culture *shudder*


stay metal \m/

Thursday 20 January 2011

3 Days to go!!

Hurray! Bam! I finally have some kind of inspiration to blog something!

Ok, so first up, i have some new fricking headphones... and OMG they are the best sounding headphones ive owned. Screw SkullCandy or whatever other brands, sennhieser is the way. So much depth and noise... i think i'm in love.

This week i have spent my time doing one of 2 things, either failing epically at League of Legends (f**king game) or reading through the CTRL+ALT+DEL online comic series. Ok, bare in mind that for a good many years this guy, Tim Buckley, wrote 4 strips a week. He started in October so that is about 48 strips in the first year. after a while he slowed down and now does 3 weekly, not sure of the cut off point, but he started in 2002. In the last week i have looked at over 1000 strips... but heeeeeeey, what else is study leave for... right?

OFC i have also been doing some work (*writers note: this is only featured in my blog for a certain stalker i found out scourers my blog... the big nugget...)

REVELATIONS for years i have wanted to find a social status that fitted my personality and general traits... and it is most definatly........ "gamer". It covers loads of things, my gaming side (Xbox 360, PS1, PS2, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advanced Emulator.... sometimes the Wii, my knowing of most locations and where they are on the map of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vagas, the fact ive played Fallout 1 and 2... and world of waarcraft... and runescape -no longer-) also my nerdy side (Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Lord of the Rings Stratagy Battles, Dungeons and Dragons -Illusionist and occasional DM-, a sudden interest into comics... O.o) my music taste is pretty general to said "gamers" (stay metal \m/) my general scene appearance (ok.. i am just blaming this on that as i need some way of not actually being labled as a scene kid)
There are 3 ways a nerd can go, the Fanboy route "PS3?!? whats that?!? does it have a nintendo sticker on it, cos nintendo are the greatest. Wouldnt play anything but nintento." The complete acne ridden, shirt wearing, odorous, sweaty, overwait, virgin forever, usually ginger, cringe worthy Hardcore nerds... the kind that will comfortably wallk up the stairs into the game room of ace comics without flinching "I thing that generation 3.5 was the greatest ever!" *cringe*
Finally there is the humble gamer, down to earth and accepted by society. Normal aspirations and lives, often actually with strong sex lives (thumbs up for sex), but can still maintain that essence of nerd. Ok there are many variations of the gamer, but they are generally normal human beings, if not a little less stressed about current problems as they can lose themselves in an alternative world for hours and allow themselves to chill. No stresses about which is the best console brand, or what people think about them.

So thats it, im tired and ive ran out of things to say... oh yeh, im considering getting a tattoo after i am 18... got an idea but if someone is reading this and actually cares, comment your ideas.


Friday 14 January 2011

Well FML.

Last week I left my headphones in my friends car, so i've had to use a pair of my mum's headphones.... from poundland?

Why would somewhere think "i know, lets sell headphones that people will think are a good deal, but secretly it will be like they are listening to faeces." Why don't i just pour acid into my ears, save you selling off shit that no one else can.

Turns out my earphones are now broken..... F**K.
Oh well... to HMV with me to get some really fricking earphones.


Wednesday 12 January 2011

Mother Fricking cake mix.

Cake mix is possibly the best damn thing on the whole damn planet! I mean, i came home and whadda you know, my sister is making cakes. Its a thing she's into right now... don't ask.
The cakes are alright... i mean, really they are just cupcakes. BUT there is still some mixture lest... OMFG! fuck cooking them, the mixture is actually like sex for my mouth. and... AND! there are TWO FLAVOURS! chocolate and... cake ¬ .¬

Anywho, after devouring possiblly 4 cakes worth of cake mixture i thought about the future of this blog. Ok the rants will continue but i want to progress it. When i have time i will have a ganders into a few things, and when i'm sure, you will be the first to know.


Tuesday 11 January 2011

Goodbye to a close friend.

Alas we part ways. The weeks have been cool and your company has been enjoyable, but for now i must insist that we part. I shall remember you always, as the close friend you were, and are.

Good bye Beard.

See you next week.

Forced Conformity

Right now I'm feeling like a good old fashion rant. Okay, so Facebook. The bane of revision or work in general and the owner of most peoples conformist souls, mine included. But is it conformity? Conformity requires an influence from another, but in your room, or where ever the hell else you might be sitting right now, tell me where is the influence? Who is influencing you into conforming whilst you are sat on your arse, scratching your balls/tits?

And it's this I cannot understand. Okay there is influence from friends who have it, but where did they hear about it? It is a crazy conformity that just happens, like a disease. You do not know why you are staring into the white background and Ultramarine Blue boarder, but you are drawn to it. You feel part of it, along with so many million others that have sold their souls to the Facebook Devil.

I will forgive Facebook for its pointless entertaining capabilities, but changing the profiles? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE OLD ONE!?! I'm happy with my profile as it is and i did not listen to the grabbing talons of the new profile box "There's a new profile! Be one of the first to change your profile to the new format!" Yeh, fuck you and your over happy messages and plans to make everyone conform. But wait... now i have no choice?!?

Seriously, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. How many people have i heard are happy about the new profile? I think maybe... hmm.... zero.

Rant complete, Hank out.

Stay metal \m/

Blogging Blogger.

WAIT! What? I am actually continuing my blog past one day unlike some blog fail noobs?

YES, when Hank commits, he commits.

Soooooo, as promised my cover leter. Ill blog better later.

Dear Jim,

Once I saw that this job was available I could not pass the opportunity to apply. I have been a customer at your store since you opened and I choose to purchase shakes from your store over your local competition. I am also friends with your current record holder and was present at its creation.

I am a hard working and dedicated kind of guy that will put as much effort into tasks I am given. I could be cleaning the floor and I would try my utmost to make sure it was as clean as it has ever been, and if it is not then I will clean it again until it is. I have experience with talking to a variety of age groups from toddler to parent as I am a Judo instructor at the Colchester Arena at a children’s Judo club. I am required to take classes of ages 4-10 and 11-17, and I also talk to some parents and answer any queries they might have.

I also like to think that I am pretty nifty with a blender. If something needs blending, and I have a blender, it shall be blended.

I hope very much that you take me into consideration and that I am not too late to apply for this position. I look forward to hearing from you and I would like to thank you for the opportunity of applying.

Yours Faithfully,

Daniel Root

Monday 10 January 2011

3 in a day?

Should i really do 3 in a day? I mean, its kinda needy. Like i'm shouting at people for attention...

Alas, here it is, out of absolute boredom that i write this 3rd and final blog of the day. How do i know its the final one of the day? Well by the time i'm finished its going to be nearly tomorrow, and tomorrow isn't today is it!? Thats what i thought.

Good. So yeh, I remember this feeling of doubted confidence so well, Waiting for a job to be given to me or not. But what a job it would be! "Where do you work?" "Oh no where... just the coolest shop in town!" I think I would like it. I just hope my informal approach covering letter will cut it, think i might paste it on here tomorrow, see what you think...

Anywho, Hank out, am gonna go catch some Mother F**king winks.


The Poll

Waoh! Waoh! Ok, rule number one about life... ok... rule number... whatever! The point is, quite frankly Custard Creams are better than bourbons. Ok Bourbons are pretty cool BUT they are seconded by custard creams. No arguing, just Fact.


So yeh, I'm here... doing a blog :D Hows it going? Good? Me too. HURRAY FOR AWKWARD READING!

Right! Pretty Hyped right now if i'm honest. Ok its exam season... ish, but life is gooooooood.
Applied for a job at Shakeaway yesterday which is pretty funky. Had fun with my cover letter, which if you would like to see i'll put it up on here or what ever. It was funny when i read it, its still funny when other people read it, hopefully get me noticed... Hopefully.

And thus starts the Blogging, FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW! I'll try keep stuff active and update when i can when i have shizz to say, but untill then, stay  metal \m/